De Matteis 5.5% 2019 – 2026


The bond issue – underwritten for € 6 mn by Anthilia BIT III in December 2019 and for € 1 mn by Anthilia BIT IV in July 2020 – will finance the investments supporting the Company’s development plan, focusing on expanding production capacity and production volumes as well as strengthening the Armando brand – the corporate brand and symbol of excellence of the Italian agricultural supply chain, expression of a real “pact” that for 9 years has been linking more and more farms (about 830 suppliers and 1,500 employees, in 9 Italian regions).

Emittente De Matteis
Sottoscrizione Anthilia7 mln €
Durata7 anni
Cedola5,50 semestrale
RimborsoAmmortamento a partire dal 2° anno
GaranziePrivilegio speciale su magazzino
QuotazioneExtraMot PRO3
