Cogne Acciai Speciali


SedeValle D'Aosta - Aosta
Rassegna stampa leggi


Founded in 1916, Cogne Acciai Speciali SpA is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of stainless steels. The company covers all the phases of the production cycle: production of liquid steel, casting, taxiing, forging, machining). With revenues of over € 560 mln and EBITDA margin of 6.4%, CAS has production facilities in China and Mexico and a distribution network in the United States for the extra-European market. It boasts a broad and highly specialized stainless steel product portfolio, being present in niche segments with high technological content and high margins. The development strategy pursued in recent years has allowed the company to consolidate its position on the Oil & Gas, Power Generation and Automotive markets and, thanks to the acquisition of new certifications, to open up to the Aerospace market.

