

SedeLombardia - Milano
Sito web
Rassegna stampa leggi


Founded in 2004 by the current president Andrea Delfini, Blastness is the national leader in the segment of IT services for luxury hotels, with a customer base of over 700 hotel facilities in 2018. With offices in La Spezia, Rome and Milan, the Company has recorded consistent growth by providing a wide range of integrated services for the management and development of the hotel business – integrated technological platforms, web design, web marketing, web advertising, training and consulting for hotel management, business intelligence and automated reporting, strategic consulting and business planning, communication and branding activities. Selected by Google as part of the Google Strategic Partners Program project as one of the companies with the greatest potential for development in Europe, Blastness records 2018 revenues of € 6.6 million (CAGR 10 years + 21%), Ebitda margin of 17.5 % and a workforce of 34 employees.

