

SedeEmilia Romagna - Reggio Emilia
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Ecoservim S.r.l. was founded in Reggio Emilia in the 70s with the start-up, by Mr. Matteo Bonini, of a small company able to offer thermo-hydraulic services in the city. The Company, now led by his son Gianluca, over the years has expanded the range of services offered to companies and individuals throughout the Reggio area, becoming the Ecoservim Group, active in the energy and facility management sectors. Ecoservim offers four types of services:
heating / air conditioning (36% of 2019 revenues), construction / renovation (26%), plumbing (20%), energy saving (18%). The Group is made up of 4 companies, the main three represented by Ecoservim Srl, Lombardi Gestioni Srl, Assistec Srl. In 2019, Ecoservim, Lombardi and Assistec – on an aggregate level – recorded a Production Value of € 12.4 million and a EBITDA of € 1.3m (EBITDA margin 10.5%); the Group employs a total workforce of 73 employees as of August 2020.

