
SettoreEngineering and constructions
SedeVeneto - Vicenza
Sito webwww.gruppoicm.com
Rassegna stampa leggi


ICM group is among the Italian leaders in the construction sector and is active in major civil, industrial and infrastructural engineering works both in Italy and abroad, where it realizes about 40% of its production. The group, which in spite of the high fragmentation of the sector occupies the 10th position in terms of turnover in Italy, boasts a consolidated experience in the construction of road works, viaducts, airports and railway works, tunnels, hydraulic works, water purification plants, solid waste treatment, aqueducts and sewers, hydraulic protection works, dams and maritime works. ICM is also active in the construction of large residential and business districts, hotel and sports buildings, community buildings (schools, hospitals), restoration of monumental buildings and construction of factories. In the international environment, having to deal with larger operators, over the years the group has specialized in targeted intervention types, such as structures linked to the military sphere and projects in synergy with financial operators, thus containing direct competition with foreign companies with competitive cost structures. In 2018 the group registered a consolidated turnover of Euro 306 million, employing over 490 people.

