

SedeLombardia - Mortara (PV)
Sito webmicrocast.it
Rassegna stampa leggi


Founded in Vigevano and active for over 35 years, Microcast is leader in the Italian industry of the production of mechanical parts using the lost wax casting technique, a technological process aimed at obtaining high volumes of mechanical parts in steel and alloys with particularly complex geometry, at the service of numerous industries such as automotive, electronics, aerospace and electromechanics. With turnover of over 18 million euros and a high standing customer portfolio, in 2017 the Company completed the acquisition of its main Italian competitor, doubling its production capacity with the two plants in Mortara (PV) and Sasso Marconi (BO). Microcast has planned new acquisitions, which will allow to internalize some phases entrusted to third parties, thus presiding over the entire value chain.

