Baglioni 5.70% 2020 – 2025


The bond issue will allow Baglioni to reorganize the industrial platform in China: two plants located in Shanghai will be relocated into a single plant, in the Haiyan district, with the construction of an 18,000 square meter warehouse that will be used for both production than in warehouses. In addition to this, the operation will also make it possible to increase production capacity thanks to new machinery, in line with the objectives set out in the business plan.

Emittente Baglioni
Sottoscrizione Anthilia5 mln €
Durata5 anni e 3 mesi
Cedola5,70% semestrale
RimborsoAmmortamento a partire dal 2° anno
GaranzieFondo Centrale di Garanzia
QuotazionePrivate Placement
