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Founded in Genoa in 2008, Renergetica operates in the exclusive role of project developer in the renewable energy sector, carrying out all project development activities and selling the projects to industrial and / or financial counterparties for the purpose of their effective implementation. The company is mainly active in photovoltaics and wind, segments in which it boasts an important track record with over n. 60 projects already developed and sold. Renergetica has been an Innovative SME since October 2016; in August 2019 it was listed on the AIM market. Recently, the company has developed the Hybrid Grid Smart Controller (HGSC), an innovative control software for the optimization of hybrid networks (plants with alternating production from fossil and renewable sources). In 2019, the company achieved a VdP of around € 9.3 million at consolidated level, with an EBITDA margin of 44% and has a staff of 29 employees. The group also boasts an international presence with n. 3 foreign offices, in the USA, Chile and Colombia.

